Aditya Prakash



I am a PhD student at the University of Warwick, under the supervision of Marcin Jurdzinski. I am broadly interested in everything automata and games, particularly those that involve parity conditions or counters. For my PhD, I am researching history-determinism on various models, with a focus on parity automata.


Conference Publications


  • Lookahead Games for History-Deterministic Automata , in seminars of IST Austria and Aix-Marseille Université
  • Checking History-Determinism is NP-hard for Parity Automata , FoSSaCS 2024
  • Joker Games for checking History-Determinism, Highlights 2023. See poster here.
  • On History-Deterministic One-Counter Nets, FoSSaCS 2023
  • On History-Deterministic One-Counter Nets, WPCCS 2023 (most creative presentation award)
  • Teaching

  • I was a Teaching Assistant in Algorithmic Graph Theory (CS254), Formal Languages (CS259) and Algorithms(CS260), at the University of Warwick.
  • I was a Teaching Assistant at Chennai Mathematical Institute for the following courses: Discrete Mathematics, Algebra III, Theory of Computation.
  • I was also a lecturer and a resource person at Indian Maths Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC) in the years 2019,2020 and 2021.